Music Text Synth Noise

Musician, poet / sound-poet and sound-artist

from Barcelona / currently living in Berlin

Working at intersections and non visible transversalities







  • 2018. November: Quadraphonic sound installation O V E R C O M I N G C H R I S T I N A · zeitgeist for 4 voices and field recording. Display Gallery. Prague, Czechoslovakia.

  • 2017. May. PNG/PNG along with artist Anna Irina Russell for the sound-art exhibition I used to see. Convent de Sant Agustí, Barcelona.

  • 2017. March-april. Festival Mixtur. Contributor to the sound installation Cant de Calderes. Fabra i Coats, Fàbrica de Creació, Barcelona.


  • 2020. October. Podcast for AMPLIFY BERLIN and Reboot Radio FM They are working on new doors (compilation of sampler sound pieces). Berlin.

  • 2020. July. Contributor to RàdioWeb MACBA (radio of the Museum of Contemporary Arts of Barcelona) as script-writer: extended interview to avant-garde composer Jennifer Walshe.

  • 2016, November. Collective improvisation with Baschet instruments for Radio Valparaiso, Chile.

  • 2014. October-November: Radio Gràcia, Barcelona. Contributor at Música i geografia radio show. Radio host and musical selector.

  • 2014. November: Radio Gladys Palmera, Barcelona. Musical selector for LEM, Festival of Experimental Music of Barcelona.


Soundtrack / Film

  • 2019. OTS contribution to the film KNOT/NOT by the US avant-garde filmmaker Larry Gottheim.

  • 2001-2002. OTS contribution to the short film Águilas by the Italian artist Guido Dettoni.


  • 2018. November. The Mysterious Case of the Invisible Third Meme on how the Facebook algorithm could create semantic deformities and the invasion of mental privacy (extract of the research project The Windows are Screens - The use of neurotechnology by corporations and how the Internet affects our brain unconsciously) at the Rage Against the Algorithm symposium organized by Charles University Philosophy Dpt. Display Gallery. Prague, Czechoslovakia.


  • 2021. October. Single Ship of Fools (self-edited). The song was chosen for the trailer of the exhibition Rembrandt’s Orient about the Dutch master in that same year in Museum Barberini, Potsdam, Berlin.