In O V E R C O M I N G C H R I S T I N A · zeitgeist for four voices & field recording, the second episode of THE WINDOWS ARE SCREENS, a writer is about a to write a science-fiction novel about a journalist asking a lonely relative of someone who died hit by a self-driving car wether if she or he thinks that that fact is or not a product of an holographic simulation while, at the same moment, a neuroscientist evokes the idea that time cannot be perceived as a river anymore.
This sound piece is based on an improvised text using almost non punctuation that plays around the hypertextual idea in which one subject leads to the other ad infinitum and in which questions are made without being answered.
It is also influenced by the Deleuzian rhizomatic n-1 in which 1 ceases to exist as ontological primacy getting interconnected multiplicities instead.
· During April, 2019 O V E R C O M I N G C H R I S T I N A sounded on ZenoPress, London, UK >
· During March, 2019 O V E R C O M I N G C H R I S T I N A sounded randomly among other sound works on the RADIO SPACE of the BOREALIS FESTIVAL of experimental
music in Bergen, Norway. >
· In November, 2018 O V E R C O M I N G C H R I S T I N A was presented for the first time as a quadraphonic sound installation at Display Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic. >