In FRIDAY 4 voices recite multiplication tables in 4 different languages at the same time. The sound of the consonants creates a delicate and vaporous landscape, Numbers are recited like a prayer.
Are we the same person when speaking different languages? What territories are opened within us when we connect with other sound worlds and constructions of meaning?
Friday was recorded in a home-studio for the first time in Barcelona, 2016.
The present recording was made at La Isla studios, Barcelona, 2018.
· The sound-poem FRIDAY was chosen as a part of the film KNOT/NOT (Lightcone, 2018) by New York’s avant-garde and experimental filmmaker Larry Gottheim. The film was premiered and exhibited at Berlin’s Arsenal Institut für Film und Videokunst, Paris’ Center Georges Pompidou and Saint Merri’s church. It has also been screened at the Binghamton University in New York, Light Matter Film Festival in New York, EXiS2020 Film Festival in Seoul, South Korea, Close Up Film Center in London among others and it is included at MUBI database.