Sónar / Sónar+D

Recorded Thoughts is the piece I composed for Sónar Festival - Sónar + D 2020, COVID-19 edition + Sound Art Master of Universitat de Barcelona.

What COVID-19’s pandemic has brought is, mostly, silence or less noise.
The noise produced by the constant rythm of the Machine has stopped. When the Machine is silent, what do we hear? We hear, perhaps, other sounds, other noises that we were not able to hear before: animals walk the streets freely, birds change their chants, rumors and theories proliferate like brumes... Many sounds are -for now- suspended, in stand-by while others appear. And in the silence of our isolation, what do we hear?

John Cage reached the conclusion that silence does not exist since he was able to hear -inside the famous anechoic chamber- his nervous and circulatory systems. But he never mentioned he could also listen to his thoughts.

This sound piece is, therefore, not about what we hear but about what we do not hear. 
This sound piece is the thoughts I had while composing it.

Eli Ningú